
  • Capovalle

    Museum of war and historical relics from the Great War 1915-18

Useful Information

Collection of useful information about Capovalle museum


Via XXIV Maggio 9



Opening days

Open every Sunday in June July August - other openings by reservation

Access mode

Green pass

Disabled Access


Museum of war and historical relics from the Great War 1915-18

In the small museum of Capovalle there are testimonies of war events dating back to the First and Second World Wars.
In the 90s Giuseppe Lombardi (Peppino) worked to create a museum on Stino mountain. One of the galleries was adopted as the seat of the museum and soon became a destination of interest for many visitors. Various lootings forced Peppino to move the finds to a safer place. In order to better preserve the finds from the Great War, including uniforms, weapons, tools and accessories for provisioning, the Municipality set up a small museum in the village. The remains of the ambushes and trenches located on Stino mountain complete the tour. The very suggestive route, which is located a few-minutes-drive from the town, has tunnels and trenches positioned to control Idro lake.

For information, please contact the Municipality of Capovalle: 036 5750021
